Sunday, December 23, 2007


Hendrix, used to play on a "Re-strung" strat...... but atleast he ad a right-y strat ( a stratocaster ) to re-string.
Yeah, today i got my first lead guitar... a "re-strung" stratocaster....
And here's the story of its salvation..
We, take the strat,, clean it up... resolder it, restring it, re-intone it...
and voila.. a new "lead" guitar..

Sunday, November 11, 2007


BluePrint-ED, thats what i decided to call my csp301 project. FLTK, OpenGL, and LEDA , 2000 odd lines of complicated C++ code, a makefile.............
But its good.. the image above was made in the draw window itself,, cotains 80+ points....
will post the code on sourceforge someday..

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

LCDs........ haha .. "display power"

finally... after 3 days of thinking, coding and "connection checking", i got the bloody hd44780 and ks0066u based lcd modules working.
"Pragun ZIXIC!", i know sounds stupid but.. just think of my desperation for some text to come over every time i pressed reset on the 18f4550 board.

wires running all over.....
Download the code ( MCC18 compiler, PIC 18f4550 )
8bit mode
4bit mode
I will write a lcd interfacing tutorial someday...
but for now you can refer to myke's lcd page

Monday, July 16, 2007

Rd, the line following bot part1

I was getting bored af all the microcontrollers so I just hooked up a LM324 and a ULN,couple of LDRs and a few resistances "just to see" if simple things like line following can be done without fancy 4.0 mips processors.
The complete story

Friday, July 13, 2007

PCB Making

I needed to get some "interfacing work" done, lcd interfacing, nintendo controller interfacing, accelerometer testing and stuff. And before all that i needed my pic 18f4550 usb board, so i just made the simplest pcb design possible, using only one wire jumper. Complete Story

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

keeda .. Legged robot...

Its, 8'o clock,, dinner at Holistic, flight to Bangalore at 4 o clock ( early morning ). I go to the Samsung sponsored design lab, and take a look at the really cool innovations done by IITD MTech students. Suddenly it hits me... a robotic insect... and of the initial sketches.....

the complete story..