Wednesday, July 18, 2007

LCDs........ haha .. "display power"

finally... after 3 days of thinking, coding and "connection checking", i got the bloody hd44780 and ks0066u based lcd modules working.
"Pragun ZIXIC!", i know sounds stupid but.. just think of my desperation for some text to come over every time i pressed reset on the 18f4550 board.

wires running all over.....
Download the code ( MCC18 compiler, PIC 18f4550 )
8bit mode
4bit mode
I will write a lcd interfacing tutorial someday...
but for now you can refer to myke's lcd page

Monday, July 16, 2007

Rd, the line following bot part1

I was getting bored af all the microcontrollers so I just hooked up a LM324 and a ULN,couple of LDRs and a few resistances "just to see" if simple things like line following can be done without fancy 4.0 mips processors.
The complete story

Friday, July 13, 2007

PCB Making

I needed to get some "interfacing work" done, lcd interfacing, nintendo controller interfacing, accelerometer testing and stuff. And before all that i needed my pic 18f4550 usb board, so i just made the simplest pcb design possible, using only one wire jumper. Complete Story